Residential Service

Residential Upgrades and Repair

Abilene Electricians have been providing electrical service to homeowners for quite a long time now. 

Our most commonly used residential services consist of electrical upgrades, repairs, and renovations. We'll be there for whenever you need the right guys for the job. 

Regardless of when your residence was built, every homeowner can benefit from even the most minor upgrades.

We could all use some more ceiling fans for the intense summer heat. Many of our customers find that modern outlets and switches to power all your electronics tend to be a lot more valuable than they originally made them out to be. 

To keep your home looking the best in the neighborhood, inside and out, you're going to have to keep up with the advancement of technology. Upgrading your current electrical equipment is the best bet when it comes to meeting the electrical demands of your home and keeping your family safe.

Upgrading Your Electrical System

Many homeowners come to the inevitable need for upgrades to modern electrical equipment.

Not only do you want to keep up with the demand for electricity in your home, but you also want to keep yourself safe. There are thousands of electrical fires observed in the United States every single year. It is devastating to have seen properties ruined by an easily preventable problem. 

Let's start with your electrical panel. Your electrical panel, also known as a breaker panel or breaker box is essentially the brains of your home's electrical system.

Your electrical panel primarily serves to distribute electricity to specific parts of your home and automatically shuts off overloaded circuits.

Breakers are a critical piece of technology that helps keep you safe.

Upgrading your electrical panel's amperage is essential to your safety and can even help you insure your home at a lower rate.

In layman's terms, amperage measures the strength of electrical current. A 100 amp service is the minimum amount of power required by the NEC (National Electrical Code).

It is also observed as the minimum required amount by most insurance providers in the US. 

Countless appliances require electricity in your home.

This includes your air conditioner, refrigerator, washer, dryer, water heater, and much more. Modern appliances tend to require a 240-volt circuit for proper function.

It's essential to determine whether or not your home is prepared for these appliances before you go out and invest your hard-earned money in them. 

Due Diligence: Our Tip To You

Many of our customers have asked, "How can we save money on our electric bill?" One of the best ways to do this is by switching to energy-efficient appliances such as LED lightbulbs. Regardless of the appliance you want to buy, take the time to identify how much electricity it requires to evaluate if it's really worth buying. 

If you find yourself confused with the logistics of your current electrical system, we're here to get the facts straight and provide you with everything you need. Call Abilene Electricians today for a free diagnosis of your property.

Common Problems With Your Home

The problems present at home can be as dangerous as having breakers that trip unexplainably to as harmless as broken light switches.

Electrical issues tend to creep up in the background and only come to our attention when the problem becomes a hazard. Your home is intended to be your safe place. We'll help you regain that peace of mind knowing your residence is in tip-top condition. 

If you notice any of the following, we strongly urge you to call a licensed electrician for electrical repairs: 

1. Unusual Sounds and Smells:

A smell such as burnt plastic or singed wires often indicates some metallic component that has overheated and started to burn the materials surrounding it.

If any of those materials ignite, it can cause a fire that can rapidly spiral out of your control. A professional electrician is needed to properly identify and replace the components that have begun to overheat. 

2. Flickering Lights:

Any homeowner can vouch that a light that constantly flickers can be extremely annoying.

Try screwing in your lightbulbs tighter. If that doesn't fix the problem, the cause of your flickering could come from loose connections and wires. We'd be more than happy to help your home look less like a scene from a horror movie. ï»¿

3. Dead Outlets

An outlet that doesn't provide electricity can indicate that you've overloaded a circuit in your house with too many appliances.

Try unplugging what you don't need. If that doesn't work, there could be problems with your breaker panel. 

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Abilene Electricians are here to solve any of your problems at home.

Choose any available means of communication and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.




Abilene, TX 79602 and surrounding areas. Give us a call to confirm if we serve your location!

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